Over the years BANG has held a wide variety of consultations, partnership initiatives and worked in collaboration with other organisations. Here are our reports:
BANG Development Plan and Annual Report July 2019.
Our strategic development plan for the next 3 years. This includes our aims and missions moving forward as an organisation striving to improve the outcomes of families raising a child with additional support needs.​
First Step 4 Families Carer Consultation Oct 2018 - May 2019.
Summary report of the parent carer consultations undertaken by BANG and funded by The National Lottery. The Parent Carer Consultations called Your Voice Matters asking parent carers across the Scottish Borders asking families what their top 3 priorities were and if they felt included local decision making. ​
Children's Rights in Education presentation with Govan Law Iain Nesbit and BANG March 2019.
This was a children's rights in education workshop presented by Iain Nesbit from Govan Law to our families and organisations.​
Live Borders Presentation of Partnership.
John McBay from Live Borders presented a presentation regarding sports development and the partnership working with BANG regarding inclusion to sport.​
BANG Silent Disco Partnership with Tweedbank Youth Club December 2017.
A presentation to Youth Borders AGM in 2018 regarding the partnership between BANG and Tweedbank Youth Club.